DMTI Spatial

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DMTI Spatial Inc. Announces Self Serve Portal to Clean, Validate and Enrich Location Data – Location Hub® Address Assure

Today DMTI Spatial announced the release of their newest product, Location Hub® Address Assure, which delivers a self-service, easy-to-use portal for customers to clean, validate and enrich their location-based data. Location Hub Address Assure provides customers with the ability to submit their address data in a variety of formats into an online portal thatis able to quickly clean and validate the addresses as well as provide additional contextual information.

"The launch of Location Hub Address Assure represents another step forward in bringing Location Intelligence closer to the customer with an intuitive, self-serve portal that taps into DMTI’s comprehensive geospatial database.” said Arthur Berrill, Vice President of Technology, DMTI. “By cleaning, validating and enriching address data, Location Hub Address Assure gives our customers better and more relevant location data, driving strategy and improving return on investment.”

Full Press Release >>

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DMTI is scheduled to announce the release of their newest product this quarter

DMTI is scheduled to announce the release of their newest product which has yet to be named. This newest addition provides the ability to clean, validate and enrich address data through a self-serve online portal. With the largest collection of rooftop level coordinates in Canada, it will return the ultimate in accuracy for each recognized address. In addition to rooftop coordinates, each valid address is provided a unique identifier and is appended with multiple attributes; combined, this information can be used to drive business decisions.

Look back here towards the end of November for more news about this release, or check out our other products on our website.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DMTI Spatial Inc. Named Windows Azure Platform ISV Partner of the Year Finalist in the 2011 Microsoft Partner Network IMPACT Awards

DMTI is among three finalists hoping to receive the 2011 Windows Azure™ Platform ISV Partner of the Year IMPACT Award. The IMPACT Awards program was launched 8 years ago to recognize achievements within its technology partner community and has grown to over 35 award categories including emerging technologies, community involvement as well as sales, marketing and partnering excellence. These awards are open to active Canadian members of the Microsoft® Partner Network. The 2011 IMPACT Award finalists will be honoured at a gala event which will take place on November 30th, 2011, in Toronto, ON. The winner in each category will be named that evening!

Read full press release >>