DMTI Spatial

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don’t buy the fancy car and skimp on the fuel!

Your CRM is a powerful tool. Ensure you’re maximizing its value by filling it with accurate and complete information.

Your organization has invested a great deal of money and resources into its corporate customer database, but how much focus are you putting on data quality? Poor data quality is hurting your bottom line.

Did you know?
  • 20% of your contact information is already flawed when you save it
  • 3.3 million address change in Canada annually, contributing to 1/3 of your database information being outdated within the year
This incomplete and inaccurate information is hurting your customer communication, analysis and bottom line.

In a recent article in Direct Marketing Magazine, DMTI’s CEO John Fisher talks about the importance of maintaining data quality within your corporate CRM and why investing in a powerful piece of software isn’t effective if you don’t also focus on the quality of information inside it.
Read the article now and better understand how you can tackle address quality
issues within your CRM >


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stop Burning Money.

Postal cleansing software is good for some functions – mainly to help you send out mail. But that’s what it was designed for. It’s not an address management tool. Go beyond postal delivery and see how Location Hub® Address Assure can help you gain more value from your addresses.

Read the Top 10 reasons to use Location Hub Address Assure here>>

Friday, October 26, 2012

Unlock The Hidden Potential In Your Address Information

Technology is evolving, allowing you to gain new insight and segment your market in new ways. These advances unlock the hidden potential in your address information so you can be more effective and increase your profitability. As organizations become more "SaaSier" to have immediate availability to applications regardless of location, it becomes more imperative to these organizations to have the most up-to-date data. The complaint that location-based data is too expensive, too complex and too difficult to share is quickly being extinguished.

Recently DMTI Spatial's Steve Sigal, Senior Director of Product Management sat down with Amy Bostock, Editor for Direct Marketing Magazine, to discuss how existing technology in use by most marketers may not be going far enough to improve ROI, gain customer insight and provide effective market segmentation. Watch our podcasts to learn about the latest frontier in location-based technology.

Part One | The Old Paradigm >>
Part Two | Better Insight and Profitability >>

DMTI's Location Hub® Address Assure, a self-service web portal, allows you to maximize the value of your Canadian address data to increase profitability and efficiency. Location Hub Address Assure leverages DMTI's comprehensive address database to standardize and correct address data to improve accuracy while enriching your addresses with additional valuable information such as property type. The service recognizes incomplete or incorrect addresses in any format and quickly returns them in their correct form along with valuable insight such as their precise geographic coordinates and an indicator of the likelihood of their existence.

Download our most recent webcast entitled “Throwing Away Money on Bad Address?” to learn how to stop the waste and increase profitability today.

Try if yourself today! Register for a free trial of Location Hub Address Assure >>

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why individual address level information is important for property valuation

A recent front-page article in the Globe and Mail highlights a key issue related to property valuation practices in Canada. The article highlights a database that mortgage and line-of-credit lenders use as part of their internal application approval processes. While this method allows for faster responses, it relies on averages and estimates that could be hurtful to both lenders and borrowers. By not digging down the specific property level, this system can’t properly account for properties that don’t fit in with local trends. The consequences work both ways, with the potential to lend extra money against a house not worth in the same range as its neighbours, or a loan/mortgage denied because the surrounding properties bring down the average below the acceptable loan value. DMTI  helps lenders address these issues by helping unlock information at the individual property level. They are still able to quickly process new applications but by accessing the necessary information on an individual property and breaking down trends into more granular areas, lenders can be more informed when making decisions.

Read the article here >>

Learn more about how DMTI helps here >>

Monday, October 15, 2012

DMTI gets called out in Streetfight blog

Asif Khan, President of the Location Based Marketing Association, recently highlighted DMTI’s work in a post in his Streetfight blog. The post on location-based services in the public sector highlighted DMTI’s work with the Ontario Medical Assoication and how we were able to help them create and update a rurality index. Using DMTI’s Postal Code data and a new routing algorithm we developed, we were able to build a table for the OMA that contained the shortest driving time and distance between any two Postal Codes in the province. This index helped with key analysis and supported various incentive programs. These programs were used in part to establish guidelines to ensure that doctors and medical facilities were placed in certain underserved areas to best meet the needs of the province’s rural population.

Read the post in Streetfight here >>

Download DMTI’s OMA case study here >>

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Disasters and the importance of location information

Monday’s massive fuel plant explosion in Winnipeg and its aftermath highlights the importance of accurate location information for both emergency response and insurance.

Emergency Response
Emergency personnel needed to quickly evacuate nearby homes potentially affected by the ongoing blaze and needed to determine the surrounding areas likely affected based on the conditions of the fire. They would have then had to quickly figure which homes and businesses fell into the affected areas. To ensure thoroughness and safety, emergency responders would have likely visualized the potential danger area against all addresses in the area, getting a quick inventory of houses and business affected while identifying evacuation routes. These actions had to be made quickly, and they potentially saved lives.

Once the blaze is out, another group affected by the fire, in addition to the home owners in the area, are their insurance companies. Knowing that these homes were in the immediate vicinity of a large fuel plant would have been extremely helpful information in determining the risk related to insuring them. Being able to access in-depth information about property and its surrounding area is extremely helpful for insurance companies when making important decisions about who to insure, and how to price their policies. When a single disaster can potentially lead to claims in the millions, maximizing understanding of where potential policies are located is crucial.

Read more about the explosion or click here to learn more about how DMTI works with insurance companies to better understand risk.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Friday was a day of anticipation as Apple launched the next generation iPhone, along with its new mapping app. Based on the levels of discussion by everyone from geeks to the media to the C-suite, it’s clear many people rely on location information as part of their day-to-day lives.  What’s more, the expectations around this level of accuracy are getting higher and higher.

We know the importance of location accuracy and classification and we provide the precision the marketplace is demanding with Location Hub, Location Hub Address Assure and other address point products. It’s exciting to see this topic discussed by such a wide audience and we look forward to the ongoing developments in mobile mapping software that will continue to provide consumers with greater insight into the world around them.

Learn more about the importance of accuracy by watching our webcast: “Throwing away money on bad addresses?

Download now >>

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More coverage of DMTI in Direct Marketing News

DMTI was featured prominently in the August issue of Direct Marketing News. The issue contained a sector report on NFC & Location Intelligence which featured an interview with our Vice President and General Manager, Phil Kaszuba.

In this report, Phil provides his own insights into Location Intelligence and how it can enable smarter business decisions. He highlights two key pillars of Location Intelligence:
  • A level of accuracy about location
  • Combining insights from a geographic perspective and attributes about location
Read the article to gain more insight into the ever-evolving field of Location Intelligence and to gain multiple perspectives on how it can help your organization.

Learn more about the importance address quality plays in leveraging Location Intelligence by attending next week’s webinar: “Throwing away money on bad addresses?”

Register Now >>

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Complimentary Webinar | Throwing away money on bad addresses?

When: Thursday, September 27th, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Register now >>

In this 30 minute webinar, discover the many ways poor address quality is causing your organization to throw away money. Learn how you can stop the waste and increase profitability today!

Learn the signs that bad address data is taking a toll on your profitability and efficiency.

f you rely on address data for marketing campaigns, analytics, forecasting or strategic planning, you need to attend this webinar. Discover ways that bad address quality is hurting your business that you may not have thought about.

See how easy it is to stop throwing away money because of poor address information and instantly increase your profitability! Find out how you can easily improve the quality of your address data.
Attend our free 30 minute webinar and stop throwing your money away today!

When: Thursday, September 27th, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Register now >>

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DMTI Spatial's CEO John Fisher featured in Direct Marketing News

The August issue of Direct Marketing News, a trade publication for Canadian marketers featured an article written by our CEO, John Fisher titled "How to use location-based information to maximize direct marketing campaigns". In this article, John provides his insights on a number of important topics, including:
  • Why marketers need to include location-based information in their analytics
  • The importance of keeping address information up-to-date
  • How address information can be used to enable greater customer insight across multiple databases
Read John’s article to learn more about DMTI’s perspective on location and how it can benefit your organization’s marketing campaigns and decision-making.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Run more effective marketing campaigns and conduct more powerful analysis with precise segmentation

A large benefit to using location information is the ability segment customer information at a very local level. Using DMTI’s location intelligence solutions, your organization can:
  • Improve campaign response rates by targeting customers more granularly than at the postal code or census boundary level
  • Improve customization by easily segmenting your customer data based on geography and other criteria you define, such as income or spending habits
  • Gain more business insight by analyzing current and prospective customers side-by-side
  • Save time and money by running effective marketing campaigns without obtaining client contact information
Download our new use case outlining the benefits of more granular segmentation and understand how DMTI can help your organization improve analysis and campaign effectiveness.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Improve operational efficiency. Combine data sets and remove duplicates addresses.

You’ve seen how Location Hub® Address Assure can improve the quality of your address data (part 1) and help you understand the health of your database (part 2). You’ve seen how it can expand your database by adding addresses you’re missing (part 3). Now in the final part of our 4 part series, we’ll show you how Location Hub Address Assure can improve your organization’s efficiency by consolidating data sets and removing duplicates.

Watch part 4 to see how you can:
  • Combine multiple datasets to improve efficiency
  • Identify duplicate addresses, even when they may not appear the same
  • Remove duplicate addresses across one or many files or databases
  • Obtain a more accurate view of your customer or prospect lists
Visit our website to access the entire video series or sign up for a free trial to consolidate or de-duplicate your own addresses.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Improve profitability through more effective customer communication

One of the many benefits of using location information is the ability to create a single
view of your customer. This approach improves the effectiveness of your communications,
allowing you to:
  • Ensure consistent messaging across all lines of business
  • Tailor communications to a customer’s specific product portfolio
  • Quickly understand a client’s account history when responding to inbound inquiries
Download our new use case outlining this scenario to understand how it can be implemented at your organization.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Address Quality Report provides business clarity about your address information.

Organizations often know they have a problem with data quality, but struggle to find the problem areas within their database. DMTI Spatial can help! Location Hub® Address Assure is a web service that cleans, validates and enriches your Canadian address data to improve its quality. Central to this service is the Address Quality Report.  The report, returned with every file you process, provides detailed statistics on such things as the quality of the initial data you submitted, the changes required, and a measure of likelihood that addresses exist. You can use the information you gain from the report to make decisions that will improve your organization’s data quality in the long run. We’ve now made a version of the Address Quality Report available for download that calls out the many great benefits it provides and shows you what you’ll get.

Download the report now. Or watch this video highlighting the value of this great feature. Visit the Location Hub Address Assure page for other videos in this series.

If you haven’t done it yet, sign up for your free trial of Location Hub Address Assure to see the full capabilities of the service using your own data.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Location Hub® Address Assure can help you expand your database

In addition to cleaning and updating your addresses, Location Hub Address Assure can expand your database by adding addresses you don’t already possess. Watch our new video to understand how this service can help you:
  • Add new addresses located near those that you already have
  • Increase your marketing reach more efficiently compared to traditional list acquisition
  • Get a more complete view of all addresses within your territories
  • Improve overall efficiency and profitability
Click here to watch this short video now or sign up now for a free trial and try this powerful tool for yourself.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Helping Organizations Improve Efficiency and Profitability with Location Hub®

Enterprise businesses are embracing the idea that if properly managed and leveraged, their addresses can fundamentally improve profitability and efficiency within the organization.

Here’s a common scenario facing many Canadian organizations:

Challenge: You need to better understand where your current and prospective customers are located. Your organization is losing time and money because of inaccurate address information.

Solution: Integrate Location Hub directly into your business processes to ensure accurate address information, improve efficiency and increase profitability. The corrected, complete and standardized address information allows your organization to conduct more effective analysis and forecasting and improve target marketing.

Click here for more information on Location Hub >>

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Location Hub® Address Assure Videos Now Available

If you haven’t seen them already, take a look at the first two parts in our new Location Hub Address Assure video series. At 5 minutes each, our goal is to give you a quick peek into what this product can do you for your organization. See for yourself how easy it is to improve the quality of your address database.

Part One: 
Demonstrating how easy it is the use Location Hub Address Assure >>

Part Two:
Showing how our Address Quality Report can give you better insight into your database >>

Since the best way to evaluate any product is by using it, we encourage you to try before you buy. Simply sign up for your free trial now!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why Location Intelligence Is Important

A recent Toronto Star article presented a very interesting story related to address and location. In short, the article discusses the issues a woman named Elayne Tanner faces as a result of her postal address, tax boundary and physical location not matching up. If the comments are any indication, this is a fairly common issue in rural and even some urban areas. One key statement worth pointing out from the article that explains part of the problem is as follows: “As cities grow and amalgamate, historic systems like the postal code and area code distribution have not been able to reflect new municipal boundaries.”

The article highlights the multitude of challenges related to address management and the confusion that can arise as a result of multiple boundaries encompassing an address, such as trouble receiving deliveries. The implications of this address confusion in the business world are seemingly endless. If Ms Tanner called a cable company to switch to a new service, would they be able to find her proper location and issue a quote? Would an insurance company have an accurate idea of where her house was located when determining whether to issue her a policy? Even worse, in the event of an emergency, would an ambulance be routed to the correct location? This all underscores the importance of organizations using Location Intelligence to provide clarity and context for their addresses.

DMTI’s products such as Location Hub® can help organizations deal with the confusing nature of addresses such as the situation presented in the article. In addition to combining the many possible variations of Ms Tanner’s address that can exist in a database with various municipalities and postal codes, our products can also assign geographic coordinates, taking the guess work out of where a property is actually located. With municipalities and postal codes changing over time, DMTI’s database stays up to date, providing organizations with accurate information that helps them in their day-to-day operations.

To test our system, we actually processed Ms Tanner’s challenging address. DMTI’s Location Hub was able to find her civic address in Milton, the affiliated postal address in Rockwood, and returned geographic coordinates. An organization using Location Hub would be able to enter multiple variations on Elayne’s address and correctly find and map her address. No missed deliveries or confusion with the GPS!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Location-Based Information and Privacy

There has been a lot of talk lately about the implications of location-based information, specifically related to ethics and privacy. The Location Forum, an industry group which includes DMTI’s own Arthur Berrill as a founding member, recently released a report on this issue titled “Location Data Privacy: The Elephant in the Room.” The report touches on several key topics related to location information and includes a number of reasons why location data privacy is important to your business.

You can find an excerpt of this report on The LBx Journal’s website with a full version available to their members in the Spring 2012 issue of the magazine. This is certainly a worthwhile read for any organizations collecting or working with location-based information.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Our Latest Release of Location Hub® Address Assure is Now Available

Today marks the release of the latest version of Location Hub Address Assure. We’ve added a number of new features that will improve the way you work with your address information. We’ve now given you the ability to get a complete view of your sales territories or business areas by taking your existing addresses and filling in those addresses surrounding them that you didn’t already have. You can also combine multiple address sets to eliminate duplication. Location Hub Address Assure still includes the ability to clean, validate and enrich your address data, ultimately improving quality. Overall, this service helps you leverage your address information to maximize business potential, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Give Location Hub Address Assure a try and see the benefits for yourself. Click here for 1000 free credits.

For more information about Location Hub Address Assure, click here to visit our product page.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Expedition ’12 a huge success!

The goal of Expedition ‘12 was to provide everyone who attended with some knowledge and inspiration regarding Location Intelligence, and around the evolution that our CEO John Fisher discussed, to Location Economics. Attendees are taking what they learned back to their organizations and using the value of location to drive the speed and accuracy of their transactions and analytics.

Highlights of Expedition ’12 included:

  • Insightful and exciting keynotes by John Weigelt and Jesse Hirsh
  • An educational customer panel highlighting the challenges and successes of DMTI customers across a variety of industries
  • Fast-paced “Lightning Rounds” where experts provided quick opinions on industry trends
  • The dynamic Performance Pavilion, where DMTI’s diverse group of partners demonstrated their own unique Location Intelligence capabilities
  • The Hub, where DMTI demonstrated some of its newest technology

Here’s a snapshot of what attendees were saying:

  • “The presentations were great and I really enjoyed hearing from the three customers. It’s always nice when you hear from clients directly.”
  • “I loved the opportunity to talk to other customers to learn what they are doing.”
  • “Jesse [Hirsh] was great. He was energetic, yet grounded.”

Thanks to everybody involved in making Expedition ‘12 a great event!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Expedition is one week away!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto

85% of your business data is associated with location. At Expedition 2012 | The Value of Location, we'll show you how you can unlock the value within that data to increase revenues, decrease costs and reduce risk.

Hear first-hand how business leaders from companies including Purolator, Allstream and Manulife have used Location Intelligence to:

             Demonstrate ROI
             Assist with risk-based decision making
             Expand their existing customer base

If your organization requires accurate address information about its customers, prospects or assets to make important decisions, this event is a must-attend.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

7.5 million and counting!

With our latest release of Location Hub®, DMTI’s database has now exceeded 7.5 million high precision address points. That’s more than three quarters of all addresses in Canada with geographic coordinates at or near the rooftop level. What does this mean to you? More addresses with higher precision for your business analysis. Our newest release of Location Hub also contains new Reverse Geocoding and an update to our Drive Time/Drive Distance service. For more information, visit our website or contact a DMTI representative.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Upcoming Complimentary Webinar for the Financial Services Industry

Gain a Competitive Edge by Adding Location Intelligence to Your Mortgage, Underwriting and Customer Acquisition Business Processes

This 20 minute webinar hosted by Adam Peterson, Product Manager, Financial Services, takes place Thursday, May 24 at 2pm EST. Learn how incorporating Location Intelligence into your application approval workflows can help you:
  • Increase the automation of approvals/rejections/underwriting processes
  • Increase market share
  • Decrease risk of fraud
  • Decrease operating costs
Click here to register >>

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Don't miss out on this complimentary 20 minute webinar titled “Use Precise Location Data to Improve Marketing Activities and Analysis” taking place on Thursday, May 10th at 2:00 PM Eastern. Learn how accurate location-based information can help you:
  • Increase accuracy of your data and visibility into it
  • Focus on your most effective activities and campaigns
  • Avoid “garbage-in-garbage-out” data flow
  • Optimize territories and trade areas using precise data that you can trust
Hosted by:
Robert Szyngiel, Director of Data Engineering
Philippe Lazier, Account Executive with DMTI Spatial

Click here to register now!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jesse Hirsh announced as keynote speaker for Expedition 2012

Technology strategist and CBC Radio columnist Jesse Hirsh is joining Expedition ‘12.  His keynote titled “The Power of Location: The Business Impacts of Mobile, Social Media, and Web 3.0” focuses on how location can help organize knowledge and reduce information overload. Expedition ‘12 is a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in Location Intelligence from industry experts, preview new DMTI Spatial technology and network with colleagues. This year’s conference takes place Tuesday, June 12 at The Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto. For more information, visit

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

DMTI launches new Customer Hub, replacing previous Developer Hub site

Resources for Location Hub and other enterprise solutions are now available at DMTI’s newly launched Customer Hub. Customer Hub consists of information to assist a variety of roles from developers to end users. Developers can access documentation to begin using Location Hub services, such as Address Recognition and Address Suggest, almost immediately. End users will be able to access detailed product information including release notes and help files which can be reviewed or stored locally for additional reference. Maximize the value of your DMTI products by signing on to Customer Hub today, and check back regularly for updates.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

OMA Turns to DMTI to Develop Province-Wide Routing Table for Physician Incentive Research

The OMA needed to build a province-wide database to perform multiple pieces of analysis regarding all doctors and facilities in Ontario. This initiative was partially driven by the needs of various incentive programs that use a “rurality index” that measures where doctors were located in relation to the population and health centres. Driven by a federal mandate handed out to all provincial medical associations, the OMA needed an effective way to assess access to care in rural areas of the province, in order to then place doctors closer to their patients and facilities.
The OMA approached DMTI as they had previously established a strong relationship with them to obtain data such as Postal Boundaries. Not only was DMTI up to the challenge of helping the OMA with this project, but their Professional Services Department was able to develop a new custom algorithm to complete the routing in a time previously believed impossible. As a final product, DMTI delivered a reliable, centralized database in the form of two routing tables.

The first table provided the shortest driving distance between any two postal codes in the province. The second provided the shortest total time between any of these same points. These tables consisted of over 142 billion records, the largest data delivery in DMTI’s 15+ years, and one of the largest in GIS history. This centralized database will allow the OMA to perform numerous economic analyses, including meeting the federal mandate of determining appropriate physician incentives in rural areas.
Click here to download full case study.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Location Hub® 2.1 Complimentary Webinar

Following the announcement of the next version of their flagship product, Location Hub® 2.1, DMTI Spatial will be holding a complimentary 30 minute webinar on Tuesday, January 31 at 2:00 PM EST.

This webinar will explore how the new functionality can help you better target your marketing programs; optimize your territory management; and cut costs. Reserve your spot now as space is limited! Register now >>