DMTI Spatial

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Don’t buy the fancy car and skimp on the fuel!

Your CRM is a powerful tool. Ensure you’re maximizing its value by filling it with accurate and complete information.

Your organization has invested a great deal of money and resources into its corporate customer database, but how much focus are you putting on data quality? Poor data quality is hurting your bottom line.

Did you know?
  • 20% of your contact information is already flawed when you save it
  • 3.3 million address change in Canada annually, contributing to 1/3 of your database information being outdated within the year
This incomplete and inaccurate information is hurting your customer communication, analysis and bottom line.

In a recent article in Direct Marketing Magazine, DMTI’s CEO John Fisher talks about the importance of maintaining data quality within your corporate CRM and why investing in a powerful piece of software isn’t effective if you don’t also focus on the quality of information inside it.
Read the article now and better understand how you can tackle address quality
issues within your CRM >


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stop Burning Money.

Postal cleansing software is good for some functions – mainly to help you send out mail. But that’s what it was designed for. It’s not an address management tool. Go beyond postal delivery and see how Location Hub® Address Assure can help you gain more value from your addresses.

Read the Top 10 reasons to use Location Hub Address Assure here>>